An excellent article posted below which clarifies all your questions on red stakes, yellow stakes and white stakes …. and what to do in each situation.

The Golf Academy

red stake creekLet’s be honest, there are a lot of rules think about when it comes to golf. You can’t ground your club in a hazard, you have to drop a ball from shoulder level, a swing and miss still counts as a stroke, and about a thousand other ones on top of these. While there is a seemingly endless amount of rules for every situation in golf, some are more important than others simply because they are more prevalent to the common golfer. None of us are going to get arrested for grounding our club in a hazard during a casual round but competitively, not knowing the rules can result in additional penalties or even disqualification. In the coming weeks and months I would like to highlight some of the most prevalent rule in a new series of blog posts. Of course, we’ll keep up with others but it never hurts…

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